Craig McGown

Independent Non-Executive Chairman

BComm, FCA

Mr McGown is an investment banker with over 40 years of experience consulting to companies in Australia and internationally, particularly in relation to fund raising and mergers and acquisitions in the natural resources sector. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, was admitted as a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and an Affiliate of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia in 1984. Mr McGown has been an executive director of the corporate advisory business New Holland Capital Pty Ltd (New Holland) since 2008 and prior to that appointment was the chairman of DJ Carmichael Pty Limited.

During the past three years Mr McGown has also served as the Non-Executive Chairman for Pioneer Resources Limited (13 June 2008 – present), a Non-Executive Director of Realm Resources Limited (31 May 2018 – present) and is the Chairman of the Harry Perkins Institute for Respiratory Health.
